Introduction to MS-Office Previous Paper 2023


Khyber PakhtunKhwa Board of Technical & Commerce Education Peshawar
Diploma in Information Technology
(Part — I) New Course
2nd Term Examination 2023
Paper: – Introduction to MS-Office

Time allowed: 2 Hours &  40 minutes

Marks: 60


Q2: – Attempt any Six questions from the following. All questions carry equal (05) marks.  (30) 

i. Write down the steps for creating a new document and saving it in PDF format in MS Word.

ii. Write the use of Find and Replace command in MS Word.

iii. Write the syntax and use of IF and AND functions of MS Excel by giving examples.

iv. Write down steps for creating a new Chart-and formatting it with Quick style in MS Excel.

v. Write the main components of MS Power Point 2016 startup screen.

vi. How new slides can be added to an existing Power point presentation and how these slides can be re-arranged?

vii. How a Database Table is created in Datasheet View in MS Access 2016?

viii. Write any five data types used for table fields in MS Access.

(Part – C)

Note: Attempt any Three questions from the following. All questions carry equal (10) marks. (30) 

Q.3:- What is MS Office suits 2016? Explain primary user interface components of MS Office Applications.

Q.4:- Write down the steps for applying transition effect in MS Power Point Presentation.

Q.5:- What is Spread Sheet Program? Explain the general features of spreadsheet.

Q.6:- Consider the Excel table given below and answer the following questions.

DIT Introduction to MS-Office Previous Paper 2023

i. Write a function for calculating total sales of only first two quarter.

ii. Write a function for counting all such sales which are less than 3000.

iii. Write a function for finding the highest sale value.

iv. Write a function for calculating the average sale of last two quarters.

v. Write a function for calculating the total of all such sales which are more than 4000.

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