Computer Programming C/C++ Previous-Paper 2013

Categories : DIT , DIT Previous Papers 2013

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education Peshawar
Post Inter Diploma in Information Technology (New Course)
(1st Semester)
1st Term Examination 2013
Paper: Computer Programming C/C++

Time allowed: 3 hours

Max marks:50

Note: Attempt any five questions by selecting at least one question from each part. All questions carry equal marks. Mobile Phone & Programmable Calculators are not allowed.

Q.1:- Differentiate the following terms with suitable examples.

  1. Variable Declaration and Variable Definition.

  2. Identifier, Constant and Variable

  3. Operands, Operators and Expression

Q.2:- What will be the output of the following program segment. Explain the output.

 main ()


int a=2, b=3, x, y;

float w, z;

x= a/b * b;

y = b/a * a;

w = a/b *b;

z = b/a * a;

printf( “%d%d %f %f *, a.b,w,z);


Q.3:- a) What is decision control structure ? Explain the if statement and if-else statement with the help of an example.

        b) Explain Break statement with example.

Q.4:-Write a program which find and Print the largest of three numbers by using nested IF  statement.  

Q5:- a)What is loop? Explain For Loop with the help of an example.

         b) What will be the output of the following program segment.

main ( )


int i;

For (i=l;i <=5; printf (“ln%d”, i))



Q.6:- a) What is Preprocessor Directive? Why we use # include Preprocessor Directive in the start of program?

       b) What is Header file? Give some examples of Header files are used in C/C++ Language.

Q.7:-Explain the following operators with the help of an example.

a) Compound Assignment Operators.

b) Increment & Decrement Operators.

c) Conditional Operator.

Q.8:-Differentiate the following built-in functions.

a) Printf () and Scanf ()

b) geleh () and Putch ()

c) Puts () and gels ()

d) Strlen () and Strlwr ()

e)  Pow () and Sqrt ()

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