DIT Previous (Past) Papers 2020 contains past papers for the following courses. This exam was conducted in February 2020. Click on any course to view the past paper.
DIT stands for Diploma in Information Technology, it is a one-year diploma offered by KPTBE and comprises two semesters also known as Part-1 and Part-2.
Basics of Computer, Third Edition, eradicates any intimidation about the computer. With a minimal investment of time, you’ll soon be able to understand basic concepts and perform simple tasks on your computer.
Do you have any questions? Rest assured, we're here to provide answers. Join us in our forum where you can engage in fruitful discussions, ask your queries, and receive insightful responses from our esteemed authors and community members. We look forward to your active participation and valuable contributions as we collectively explore various topics. Let's come together and share your thoughts!
Katongole Raymond
I want papers for motor vehicle machicanics
Md. U
Sorry, we don’t provide vehicle mechanics papers.
Henry Wanda
Dit 1 is about what
Md. U
DIT stands for Diploma in Information Technology, it is a one-year diploma offered by KPTBE and comprises two semesters also known as Part-1 and Part-2.
Kimbugwe peter
I am studying a certificate at YMCA but I like to do DIT papers of electrical engineering at a certificate level
Md. U
I am sorry to say that we don’t have electrical engineering papers.
Savio Kiyingi
Papers for motor vehicle mechanis
Md. U
I am sorry to say that we don’t have Papers for motor vehicle mechanics.
Kato patrick
I would like dit paper for Electrical Installation
Asire gerald
What are the examinable papers for a person persuing hospitality management at level 5.
Nayebare Lovinah
I’m doing cookery I wanted to do dit papers . Is it possible
Md. U
Thanks for contacting us. Yes, it is possible.
Namuddu Gorreth
I would like to know is it possible to sit papers for level 3 after finishing level 1 with out sitting level 2
Louis Samuel
I want dit previous past papers 2022
Md. U
Thanks for contacting us. Here is the link to DIT Previous Papers 20222.
Ahumuza Balack
Past papers DIT level 2
Ahumuza Balack
Past papers DIT level 2 electrical
Md. U
Sorry, we don’t have electrical paper for the moment.
I want For past papers
Amuza M
I wanted dit level 1 past papers in automobile mechanics
Md. U
Thanks for contacting. Here is a G-Drive link for automobile mechanics Past papers 2018
Alisha Maggie
Plumbing DIT past papers level 1
Md. U
Here is a link to download – Plumbing DIT Past papers level 1 – Plumbing DIT past papers level 1
Welding and fabrication past papers 2022
Md. U
Sorry, I don’t have 2022 but I do have Welding and fabrication past papers 2019