ICT Previous Paper 2016

Categories : DIT , DIT Previous Papers 2016

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education Peshawar
Diploma in Information Technology
(Part -I)
1st Term Examination 2016
Paper: Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

Time allowed: 3 hours

Max marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 

Q1: Explain storage devices with examples. 

Q2: Write a detail note on types of data. 

Q3: Convert the following. 

(a). (727)8 = (?)2
(b). (6.27)2 – (?)H
(c). (ACA)H = (?)8
(d). (1111.11)2 =(?)H

Q4: What do you know about spread sheets? Discuss environment of spread sheet.

Q5: Discuss about computer languages, Explain its different types

Q6: Write a detail note on network devices.

Q7: Differentiate between application software and system software. Discuss different types of application software

Q8: Write a note on any two of the following.

a) Translators

b) History of Computer

c) Output devices

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